Sunday, August 23, 2009

Verse 1 Mean Dead People

I went on an Investigation last year to a very old bar in Kentucky with two different Paranormal groups. I had done all the research and even though the place was first a slaughter house and connected to a lady who was beheaded there, then turned into a multiple rough taverns that seen many of its share of murders and mafia activity, I thought very little about going. Usually I try to protect myself and forgo such places that could be considered dangerous to stir up. To be honest I thought most of it to be hype and sense the business that is currently there is making money off it being "Haunted" I went anyways.

To this day it is one of the worse decisions I had ever made. Being that I thought the place was a hoax I even was so bold to bring a prayer book and proceeded to agitate an area that was reported to be active. For more than an hour I taunted any would be spirits or the damned to make their presence known. To my dismay they did more than that. They very clearly and forcefully let me know who was running the show. One man who was a policeman had a rope that was hanging from the ceiling wrap around his leg and a chair he was sitting in. In another room, the vary one I was taunting them with prayers we got several very clear Audio recordings and in the same room our camera man was picked up and slammed to the ground. This person is 6'4" and weighs every bit of around 250 lbs.This too was caught on video as he was recording at the time. The very instant this happened I saw three hooded black figures moving towards him. Their were 7 of us in the room at the time.

It took a good 6 months for me to shake the effect from being there and I had problems in my own home of seeing a shadow man in my hallway at various times for almost a year afterwords. A friend came over to visit and seen it with his own eyes and I had never told him about it. He hasnt been back since. I had my church finally help me get rid of what ever followed me back home from that evil shit of a place.

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